
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2020

"Between Shades of Gray" Book Review

Wow I’m back again hehehe And with another English version of my book review The title of the book is “Between Shades of Gray”   SYNOPSIS This book tells a story following the life of Lina, a painter girl from Lithuania, that has to be deported from her own country and forced to work as a slave. Not only she and her family, there are also thousands of people from different ages and condition that has the same fate. At first they don’t know one another, but as they struggle together to stay alive they get closer like a family that protect and take care of each other. And as the situation got worsened and their number decreasing, the world feels darker than it was before. Is the littlest hope that they carefully save inside their heart enough to make them holding on and fight for surviving?   REVIEW This novel is just so beautiful It’s elegant yet cruel, full of despair but also contains a lot of hope in between But really, I already got captivated from the f...

"Ready Player One" Book Review

Hi everyone!! I’m back with another English version of my review This time it’s a book review This book is pretty famous and it’s already been adapted into a movie The title is… “Ready Player One”   SYNOPSIS This drama takes the majority of its setting inside a modern video game called OASIS. This virtual world is “shaking” when the creator died and he hid his inheritance inside the video game. Everyone compete to solved the clue that scattered across the OASIS. But in the end only the chosen one can have the easter egg. REVIEW I’ve actually watched the movie first before reading this book. But honestly because the movie is not on my favorite genre, I barely remember it huehe (sorry) At least I remember that it has an amazing animation :) Before I start the review, I want to confess that I’m not a gamer nor a movie addict So, at first there are a whole lot of terms that I don’t understand I almost gave up because I thought I won’t be able to catch up with ...

Korean Drama "Chip In" Review

Hi everyone ^ ^ I’m back again! This time with the English version of my Korean drama review hehehe The title for the drama is “Chip In”   SYNOPSIS This drama tells a story about a “war” for huge amount of money left by a famous painter. Even though he died so suddenly, he already schemed a “game” for the split of his inheritance. And after his death, his “closest” people tried everything to get their hands on the money.   REVIEW This drama’s plot reminds me of driving inside a looooooong tunnel. Firstly, we’ll be scared but curious, and then in the middle we’ll start to get more scared and panic, but finally we’ll find a light at the end of the tunnel Earlier episodes will make us giddy and curious about the ending At least that was my feeling when I watched the first episode. In this first episode we’ll get introduced to our character’s role and images one by one. Remember this just their images… Every character has their own story and unique traits, ...

Review Novel "Between Shades of Gray"

Kembali lagi nih guys dengan review novel Novel kali ini halamannya (sayangnya) nggak terlalu banyak, jadinya cepet bacanya wkwk Judulnya “Between Shades of Gray”       SINOPSIS SINGKAT Novel ini menceritakan kisah hidup Lina, seorang gadis pelukis dari Lithuania yang harus dideportasi dari negaranya sendiri dan dipekerjakan jadi budak. Bukan hanya dia dan keluarganya saja, beribu-ribu orang dari berbagai usia dan kondisi juga merasakan hal yang sama. Mereka yang awalnya tidak saling kenal, berubah menjadi keluarga yang saling mengandalkan dan melindungi. Saat keadaan semakin memburuk dan jumlah mereka semakin berkurang, dunia seakan menjadi lebih gelap dari sebelumnya. Apakah harapan kecil yang mereka simpan di dalam hati cukup untuk membuat mereka bertahan hidup?   REVIEW This novel is just so beautiful It’s elegant yet cruel, full of despair but also contains a lot of hope in between Sumpah ya, dari halaman pertama aku udah langsung tersihi...

Review Novel "Ready Player One"

Hai lagi semuanya ^ ^ Eh kok balik lagi ni anak Iya hehe mumpung lagi on fire nih wkwk Sekarang gantian mau review novel Novel ini udah lama dan udah pernah dijadiin film Judulnya, “Ready Player One”     SINOPSIS SINGKAT Drama ini mengambil mayoritas setting di dalam video game canggih bernama OASIS. Dunia virtual ini mulai bergejolak saat penemunya meninggal dan menyembunyikan warisannya di dalam video game buatannya ini. Semua orang pun berlomba untuk memecahkan petunjuk-petunjuk yang tersebar. Tapi hanya orang yang terpilihlah yang akhirnya bisa menemukannya.   REVIEW Aku udah nonton filmnya duluan sebelum baca novel ini. Tapi jujur karena filmnya bukan genre favoritku, jadinya nggak terlalu membekas di ingatan hehe Tapi aku inget kalau animasinya bagus :) Banyak orang bilang novelnya lebih bagus daripada filmnya (seperti seharusnya), jadinya aku coba deh baca bukunya Sebelum mulai mereview, aku mau mengaku kalau aku bukan gamer dan bukan ...

Review Drama "Chip In"

  Hai hai semua ^ ^ Eh eh kok tumben udah balik? Iya dong karena aku mau review drama lagi hehehe Kali ini dramanya pendek, cuma 8 episode Judulnya “Chip In”   SINOPSIS SINGKAT Drama ini menceritakan tentang perebutan warisan dari seorang pelukis terkenal. Walaupun meninggalnya mendadak, tapi ternyata dia sudah menyiapkan “permainan” dan strategi sendiri untuk pembagian harta warisannya. Dan sepeninggalnya, orang-orang terdekatnya pun melakukan segala cara demi mendapatkan harta tersebut.   REVIEW Plot drama ini tu berasa lagi naik mobil terus lewat jalan terowongan yang panjaaaaang gitu (etdah pakai pengandaian segala). Pertama masuk takut tapi penasaran, tengah-tengah mulai takut plus panik, tapi akhirnya kita menemukan secercah cahaya di jalan keluar Awalnya kita akan dibuat senang dan penasaran sama cerita akhirnya Setidaknya itu perasaanku pas nonton episode pertama. Di episode pertama ini kita diperkenalkan satu persatu kepada peran dan image...

Korean Drama "It's Okay to Not Be Okay" Review

Hi everyone! I’m back with another Korean drama review The title is “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay” or “Psycho but It’s Okay”   SYNOPSIS This drama is all about our three main characters’s journey in life. These three has their own old scars that’s long been neglected. They also always feel alone in the world that doesn’t understand them. But when they are together, they can rely on each other and healing each other. So, in the end will they finally be able to let go of their hurtful past and start to enjoying life?   REVIEW I’ll start this review with the good part first, and then I’ll talk about the bad part in the end wkwk From the first until the 14 th episode, I’m completely enchanted by this drama. The plot is so fun and the acting is super solid. It feels like I got dragged into another world hehe I love how they picked a different tale for every episode. And I always wait for the part when someone was reading the tale and we got shown the animation (it’...

Review Drama "It's Okay to Not Be Okay"

Hai everyone! Kembali lagi nih dengan sebuah review dari drama korea hits Judulnya “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay” atau “Psycho but It’s Okay”   SINOPSIS SINGKAT Drama ini menceritakan tentang kisah hidup tiga tokoh utamanya. Dua bersaudara, Moon Sangtae dan Moon Gangtae, dan Go Munyeong. Ketiganya memiliki luka masing-masing yang sudah lama tidak disembuhkan. Mereka juga merasa terasing di antara orang-orang yang tidak paham kehidupan mereka. Tetapi saat bersama, mereka bisa saling bersandar dan saling menyembuhkan. Apakah akhirnya mereka bisa melepas luka lama mereka dan mulai menikmati hidup?   REVIEW Sistem review kali ini aku mulai dari yang bagus-bagus dulu ya, baru nanti di akhir membahas yang jelek-jelek wkwk Dari awal episode sampai episode ke 14 aku bener-bener tersihir sama drama ini. Plotnya seru dan acting para pemainnya bagus. Berasa ditarik masuk ke dalam dunianya mereka gitu… Aku suka banget penggambaran setiap episode yang mengambil tema dongeng...