Quotes from Random Novels (Part 4)
Hari ini bingung mau nulis apa :(
Yaudah bagi-bagi quote aja yaa...
Udah lama juga nggak nulis quote hehehe ^ ^
Yaudah bagi-bagi quote aja yaa...
Udah lama juga nggak nulis quote hehehe ^ ^
"Tries never to judge anyone on the basis of his or her appearance"
(Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking)
"Desperate times call for desperate measures"
(Emerald Green)
"Dedicated to readers like Penryn who have it tough at home, who had to grow up fast due to life circumstances, and who have no idea how much potential they really have. You are being fire forged, just like Penryn. And like her, you can turn your greatest trials into your greatest strengths"
(End of Days (Penryn and The End of Days #3))
"It's a simple thing, but simple things matter"
(Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock)
"Just hold on as best as you can - and believe in the future. Trust me"
(Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock)
"Life can be really hard, you know. It makes it difficult to believe in God sometimes, but i'm trying"
(Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock)
"These people we call Mom and Dad, they bring us into the world and then they don't follow through with what we need, or provide any answers at all really - it's a fend-for-yourself free-for-all in the end"
(Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock)
"People suffer in all sorts of ways without our adding to their suffering to satisfy our sense of vengeance"
(Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock)
"You're not all gloom and doom, Leonard. I've seen the light in your eyes too many times"
(Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock)
"I'm fucking not okay at all. And yet it's exactly what i most want to be : okay"
(Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock)
Udah dulu yaa...
FYI, beberapa novel yang aku ambil quote-nya ini juga aku review di blog ini. Silahkan cari di label "Review Novel".
Kalau nggak ada, berarti emang aku lagi nggak mood nge-review hehe
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